126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

Space solar power platform in GEO being constructed

Mike Snead’s evaluation of America’s path to transitioning to practicable green energy. Continue Reading126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

121 – An assessment of EU decarbonization options including astroelectricity

If a government pledges and, especially, if it imposes laws mandating decarbonization, then it is reasonable to expect that the practical means to achieve decarbonization has been quantitatively defined. In short, a well-developed decarbonization plan must exist somewhere, right? What if such a plan doesn’t exist? Continue Reading121 – An assessment of EU decarbonization options including astroelectricity

120 – The Coming Age of Astroelectricity

Space solar power-generated astroelectricity is growing in recognition as the world’s future primary green energy source. This video and paper explain why this is happening. Continue Reading120 – The Coming Age of Astroelectricity

119 – Astroelectricity far surpasses the dangerous Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a false choice for America and the world to achieve an orderly and prosperous transition to sustainable energy. Mike Snead provides two presentations that describe why GEO space-based solar power (astroelectricity) is the way to achieve this goal. Continue Reading119 – Astroelectricity far surpasses the dangerous Green New Deal

114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

Five charts explain the past relationship between U.S. fossil fuel energy insecurity and America’s prosperity. This helps in understanding what America now needs to do to secure its future freedom and prosperity. Continue Reading114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

110 – Why a National Astroelectricity Program is needed to end America’s fossil fuel use

The “green new deal” environmental/energy proposals lack realism. A National Astroelectricity Program is needed to replace America’s fossil fuel use with space-based sustainable energy. This posting explains why and what this program would achieve. Continue Reading110 – Why a National Astroelectricity Program is needed to end America’s fossil fuel use

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice. Nuclear fission energy is being advocated to use to replace fossil fuels. Is this the wise choice? The white paper, “Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice”, addresses this key question. Continue Reading109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

Post 104 addresses the engineering profession’s ethical obligation to inform American voters about quickly transitioning from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Continue Reading104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

103 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 4)

Post 103: 2019 (Part 4) focuses on why America’s need for sustainable energy security will be a key driver for America becoming a true human spacefaring nation. Continue Reading103 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 4)

100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

A constitutional climate lawsuit against President Trump could trigger America undertaking GEO space solar power. Continue Reading100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

Astroelectricity eBook published

America will begin a spacefaring industrial revolution transforming America into a true human spacefaring nation AND will use the new astroelectricity to rebuild America for the 22nd century. Continue ReadingAstroelectricity eBook published

78 – JSP article: Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power

My article, Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power, was published in the Volume 6, No. 1 (Fall, 2017) edition of the online Journal of Space Philosophy. Continue Reading78 – JSP article: Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power

69 – Space Review article: A Trump Administration path to advance commercial space solar power

On December 12, 2016, this article was published in The Space Review. (A PDF of the article is here.) Author’s note: This article mostly recapped comments that I made in Continue Reading69 – Space Review article: A Trump Administration path to advance commercial space solar power

67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

  America faces two critical challenges this century. The first is responding to the uncertainty that the abnormally high and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level will have detrimental environmental Continue Reading67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels