127 – Mike Snead’s space solar power presentation to ESA

Space solar power platform in GEO being constructed

Mike Snead’s narrated video presentation on space solar power-generated astroelectricity made to an ESA-hosted workshop. Continue Reading127 – Mike Snead’s space solar power presentation to ESA

124 – America’s moral obligation to develop astroelectricity

Space solar power platform in GEO being constructed

Established as an inalienable human right by President Franklin Roosevelt, “freedom from want” requires abundant supplies of industrial energy. Through the development of space solar power-generated astroelectricity, America can fulfill its moral obligation to enable the global achievement of “freedom from want” with abundant green energy. Continue Reading124 – America’s moral obligation to develop astroelectricity

120 – The Coming Age of Astroelectricity

Space solar power-generated astroelectricity is growing in recognition as the world’s future primary green energy source. This video and paper explain why this is happening. Continue Reading120 – The Coming Age of Astroelectricity

114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

Five charts explain the past relationship between U.S. fossil fuel energy insecurity and America’s prosperity. This helps in understanding what America now needs to do to secure its future freedom and prosperity. Continue Reading114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

Post 104 addresses the engineering profession’s ethical obligation to inform American voters about quickly transitioning from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Continue Reading104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy