126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

Space solar power platform in GEO being constructed

Mike Snead’s evaluation of America’s path to transitioning to practicable green energy. Continue Reading126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

123 – Ebook Astroelectricity now available for free download

The eBook, “Astroelectricity”, discussing America’s exciting future in developing space solar power-generated astroelectricity, is now available for a free download from ResearchGate. Continue Reading123 – Ebook Astroelectricity now available for free download

119 – Astroelectricity far surpasses the dangerous Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a false choice for America and the world to achieve an orderly and prosperous transition to sustainable energy. Mike Snead provides two presentations that describe why GEO space-based solar power (astroelectricity) is the way to achieve this goal. Continue Reading119 – Astroelectricity far surpasses the dangerous Green New Deal

115 – Solving the commercial passenger spaceflight puzzle

Sixty years after humans first reached orbit, commercial orbital passenger spaceflight has yet to begin. This article explains why this “puzzle” exists and how to jumpstart a new commercial spaceliner industry. Continue Reading115 – Solving the commercial passenger spaceflight puzzle

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice. Nuclear fission energy is being advocated to use to replace fossil fuels. Is this the wise choice? The white paper, “Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice”, addresses this key question. Continue Reading109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

Post 104 addresses the engineering profession’s ethical obligation to inform American voters about quickly transitioning from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Continue Reading104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

102 – DSIAC Journal article: American “astrologistics”

This article shows how America’s aerospace industry now has the capability to build a substantial and robust American LEO astrologistics infrastructure and provide aircraft-like fully-reusable space access for passengers. Continue Reading102 – DSIAC Journal article: American “astrologistics”

100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

A constitutional climate lawsuit against President Trump could trigger America undertaking GEO space solar power. Continue Reading100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

Astroelectricity eBook published

America will begin a spacefaring industrial revolution transforming America into a true human spacefaring nation AND will use the new astroelectricity to rebuild America for the 22nd century. Continue ReadingAstroelectricity eBook published

97 – Why airworthiness certification is necessary for commercial human spaceflight

Anxious to achieve fame and glory, individuals and businesses are seeking to undertake commercial human spaceflight without due regard, in my view, for protecting the safety of the public wishing Continue Reading97 – Why airworthiness certification is necessary for commercial human spaceflight

91 – Technology Readiness Level and America’s spacefaring future

The Honorable Newt Gingrich recently published an opinion article: “How to Seize Revolution in Hypersonics and Space”. (Aviation Week Network, June 22, 2018. The article may possibly be viewed here.) Continue Reading91 – Technology Readiness Level and America’s spacefaring future

9 – Technology Readiness Level and “near-term” solutions

Spacefaring America is about how America can start on the path towards becoming a true spacefaring nation by building integrated spacefaring logistics infrastructure capabilities to provide Americans with the ability Continue Reading9 – Technology Readiness Level and “near-term” solutions