114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

Five charts explain the past relationship between U.S. fossil fuel energy insecurity and America’s prosperity. This helps in understanding what America now needs to do to secure its future freedom and prosperity. Continue Reading114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

110 – Why a National Astroelectricity Program is needed to end America’s fossil fuel use

The “green new deal” environmental/energy proposals lack realism. A National Astroelectricity Program is needed to replace America’s fossil fuel use with space-based sustainable energy. This posting explains why and what this program would achieve. Continue Reading110 – Why a National Astroelectricity Program is needed to end America’s fossil fuel use

104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

Post 104 addresses the engineering profession’s ethical obligation to inform American voters about quickly transitioning from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Continue Reading104 — What American engineers need to know about quickly transitioning to green energy

46 – Let’s make 2016 a very important year for America’s spacefaring future

In 2008, I wrote a Spacefaring America blog entry focusing on the upcoming presidential elections. Barack Obama won that election and, as is now very clear, his administration had absolutely Continue Reading46 – Let’s make 2016 a very important year for America’s spacefaring future

20 – What to tell the next President about realizing America’s potential in space

The following is an essay published in The Space Review on February 4, 2008. =====   The start of the new presidential administration in 2009 will be a critical time for Continue Reading20 – What to tell the next President about realizing America’s potential in space

6 – Why the next president should start America on the path to becoming a true spacefaring nation

In SA Blog 3 and Blog 4, I wrote of what the U.S. National Space Policy, the Space Commission, and the Aerospace Commission had to say about America becoming a Continue Reading6 – Why the next president should start America on the path to becoming a true spacefaring nation