109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice. Nuclear fission energy is being advocated to use to replace fossil fuels. Is this the wise choice? The white paper, “Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice”, addresses this key question. Continue Reading109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

102 – DSIAC Journal article: American “astrologistics”

This article shows how America’s aerospace industry now has the capability to build a substantial and robust American LEO astrologistics infrastructure and provide aircraft-like fully-reusable space access for passengers. Continue Reading102 – DSIAC Journal article: American “astrologistics”

97 – Why airworthiness certification is necessary for commercial human spaceflight

Anxious to achieve fame and glory, individuals and businesses are seeking to undertake commercial human spaceflight without due regard, in my view, for protecting the safety of the public wishing Continue Reading97 – Why airworthiness certification is necessary for commercial human spaceflight

76 – Space Review Article: Some commentary about the National Space Council’s inaugural meeting (Part 2)

President Trump’s reconstitution of the National Space Council has generated important public discussion of America’s future in outer space as a true commercial human spacefaring nation. On October 5, 2017, Continue Reading76 – Space Review Article: Some commentary about the National Space Council’s inaugural meeting (Part 2)

37 – Where is power beaming by laser a viable space technology?

Power transfer via laser is frequently proposed for space launch, in-space propulsion, in-space remote power supply, and space-to-earth power supply. The intent is the same of any modern power system—to organize power collection/generation, Continue Reading37 – Where is power beaming by laser a viable space technology?