126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

Space solar power platform in GEO being constructed

Mike Snead’s evaluation of America’s path to transitioning to practicable green energy. Continue Reading126 – Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice. Nuclear fission energy is being advocated to use to replace fossil fuels. Is this the wise choice? The white paper, “Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice”, addresses this key question. Continue Reading109 – Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice

Astroelectricity eBook published

America will begin a spacefaring industrial revolution transforming America into a true human spacefaring nation AND will use the new astroelectricity to rebuild America for the 22nd century. Continue ReadingAstroelectricity eBook published

68 – Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

America faces two critical challenges this century. The first is responding to the uncertainty that the abnormally high and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level will have detrimental environmental consequences Continue Reading68 – Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

  America faces two critical challenges this century. The first is responding to the uncertainty that the abnormally high and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level will have detrimental environmental Continue Reading67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

66 – Understanding America’s Energy Security Challenge

  Fossil fuels now provide about 80 percent of the energy Americans use. While everyone understands that these are non-renewable energy sources, Americans act as if they were. The reality Continue Reading66 – Understanding America’s Energy Security Challenge